Organic contained wastes are:

In general 22 types of organic contained wastes were exposed to the analysis. As regards Belarus with population of 10 mln. people the amount of organic contained wastes formed in recalculation on organic is about 7-8 mln. tons/year and approximately on 1/3 it can provide the needs of the country for heat and energy at the expense of a renewed source of energy (basically organic contained wastes of vital processes). For other countries these estimations should be specified. In the future CPOW can also become a source of row base for modern petrochemistry.

The plant includes a number of the interconnected stages; each of them has the strict functional assignment. Preparation of wastes and, if necessary, dehydration before and after methane manufacturing, anaerobic fermentation (biogas: 4 + 2) provide at the final stage of thermochemical conversion (pyrolysis + incineration of not pyrolized organic rest) manufacturing of high caloric pyrogas (not below 9000 kcal/kg) in rather soft conditions (550-600?) and practically 100 % utilization of organic. Such consecutive processing of organic wastes, in spite of some complexity, provides also complete processing of organic wastes in useful products and warmth.

Approximately 75-80% of organic wastes in the complex transform into high caloric fuel gas (mixture of biogas and pyrogas 8000-9000 cal/kg) or petrochemical raw material (percentage of ethylene and propylene in pyrogas is about 30-40 %), and 20-25% is used on thermo-autonomy of the complex.

The high power efficiency and thermo-autonomy is provided, on the one hand, by process flow sheet closed on liquid and gasiform flows and on the other hand by hardware implementation, where hot water (~ 80?) received during pyrogas cooling and smoke fumes at the stage of thermal destruction provides functioning of a methane-tank and a greenhouse.

Surplus of hot water and carbon dioxide in biogas (the 1st stage) can also be considered as marketable products of the complex.

The patent of Belarus on CPOW includes the way of processing and the hardware implementation. A lot of scientific articles have been published and scientific reports were made at different conferences.

CPOW efficiency and payback

The business-plan of a model plant creation with productivity of 10000 ton/year on fuel gas has shown that payback is reached, basically, due to fuel gas selling (75-80%), production of greenhouses (10-15%) and hot water (5-10 %). For Belarus the payback of a model plant makes up 2-3 years.

It is assumed that model plants will be situated in places of wastes formation and consumption of fuel gas.

Now CPOW project is being developed in the following directions:

On the basis of new directions the 2nd variant of the technical decision of the complex is formed:

The plant according to the 2nd variant is considered only as heat-and-power engineering purpose. It can have smaller productivity on initial raw material (wastes) and on fuel gas (~ 1000 ton/year) and be situated near blocks, satisfying their local requirements for maintenance by heat. The limited gas emissions and their special clearing make such plants ecologically preferable.

The works in Polotsk State University have been conducted from the beginning of the 90s, all stages are approved both on laboratory and pilot constructions, the business - plan has been developed. Due to cooperation with designers the regulations on experimental-industrial plant has been created. The authors have a material for a new patenting and they are ready to work with new partners who will invest in the project. The authors offer various forms of CPOW creation provided for use of received scientific results, mathematical and physical modeling under conditions of comparative limited financing and risks of realization.


Ph.: 531773 The chemical engineering department of Polotsk State University; 533473 Abayev Genrikch Nikolayevich and Andreyeva Raisa Alexandrovna,


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